Monday, February 14, 2011

Daily Physical Activity and the Brain

I recently saw a CBC-TV program on high schools who are using treadmills as a part of Math class.  Today a friend sent me this link which describes the program.  Go figure!  Getting the heart rate up directly affects brain activity!   

Long before the Ministry mandated DPA, one of my favourite routines in my classroom was to hit the light switch, order, "Follow me!" and run out the door, down the nearby stairwell and out onto the playground.  It was always interesting to observe student reaction.  Some obeyed immediately and were right behind me.  Some were not far behind me but couldn't keep up in a lap of the school (a 10 year old beaten by a 55 year old?!) and some never found me the first time.  

What did that show?  My "first time" lecture after the exercise addressed the fact that, if there was an emergency, those who didn't obey immediately and didn't keep up, would be in serious trouble.They quickly learned to follow

Second point was: How could a 55 year old teacher possibly be more fit than a 10 year old?  By mid-year only one or two students struggled to keep up with me. 

Third point: after a quick break like that, we found concentration much easier.  Water + activity  are great for the brain!  I know that it's easier for a teacher to get a classroom full of kids back into their desks than Mum with three kids, however, I offer a few suggestions, keeping in mind everyone's situation is different!
  • LEAD the exercise break. It'll do you a LOT of good as well.  Set a timer and let the children know this break is only a break and not an excuse to stay out and play for an hour.
  • take frequent short breaks.  It's easier to come back to work if you know there's another break coming soon.
  • Mini Re-bounders are worth the investment!  Blow up some balloons and buy several fly swatters from the dollar store.   Assign leadership to older students but take part yourself.
  • encourage your students and yourself to drink more water! The brain needs water to function.


  1. Yaaay for encouraging us to get *out there*! It's P.E. right now and Howie is running with the kids at the track...really, it's true! (I was *out there* for the last four days for our beach walks, so I am home alone today *catching up*. Thank you for the encouragement Pat...I appreciate you! I can just see you doing that light switch are lots of fun. :)

    In His Love,

  2. Pat, you never cease to amaze me! You are SUCH a great motivator!! It is one thing to motivate in a classroom, but to be such an effective cyber-motivator takes Divine Inspiration, I'm sure!! Thank you for your "lead by example" way of spurring us on!! We love you!!

